The Pandemic: Developments in Society, Politics, and the Economy
In its new book The Pandemic (COVID-19): Developments in Society, Politics, and the Economy (volume 161, May 2020), Al-Mesbar Center...
In its new book The Pandemic (COVID-19): Developments in Society, Politics, and the Economy (volume 161, May 2020), Al-Mesbar Center...
In its 160th book, “Iraqi protests 2019-2020: Does it impose a horizon for a civil state?” (April 2020), the Al-Mesbar...
Radicalization Radicalization is a considerably huge process of an in increasing degree of radicalism in an individual or group. Hereby...
Abstract This article assesses the cooperation between Western Europe and Southeast Asia in the field of counter-terrorism. Counter-terrorism cooperation has...
The Syrian popular uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship, which began in March 2011, soon acquired a two-fold character: both a...
The participation of women in jihadist organizations has sparked debate in the media and at research centers specializing in terrorism...
A spectre is about to haunt the Near East, the spectre of deepfakery. Deepfakery is the ability to deploy a...
A Bulgarian friend of mine told me a story recently that bears very much on many of the misanthropies lately...
If you ask a typical American adult to describe what’s wrong with American politics in just one word, a large...
Introduction The Al-Mesbar Studies and Research Center in its 150th book, Pathways of Tolerance in Islam and Christianity, published in...
In the book Muslims in Canada and the Challenges of Coexistence, (the 148th book, April 2019) the Al-Mesbar Studies and...
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